Special case algos

Onchain projects

marfaMESH →

marfaMESH is this year's 2023 Art Blocks Explorations project, an event-driven generative art experiment that will take place over the course of Marfa Weekend. Everyone attending will receive a free mint from the collection. By using the marfaMESH app built by @art_from_code participants can record interactions with other people by scanning a NFC car powered by IYK. The app will also give the option of taking a photo for every interaction from which we extract key colors and forms that feed into the artwork. The artwork will evolve in real-time from the growing network of interactions creating personal artistic chronicles of your connections with people and places.

Quasi Dragon Studies Composite Builder →

In this project, collectors mint art tiles with randomly assigned edge properties that enable them to be joined together to create new artworks using a tool called the Composite Builder. Collectors can choose to participate in the project in two ways:

Early Art Algos

Geometric tools and visualizers

Between 2012 and 2021 I divided my time between early generative art, building more complex art from previously built geometric motifs, but mostly scripting tools to explore geometric objects. This last body of work seemed to occupy an undefined domain between art and math and was a bottomless rabbit hole of theoretical speculation and mystery. Without being grounded in a practical application in the real world it's possible I would still be wondering in that space if it wasn’t for the opportunity to build concrete art projects in Web3. Below are some of the projects I created in that time with simplified user interfaces. Most of the inputs will not mean much to anyone as they were only ever built as tools for my own use.

Quasi Lamellar 2016 →

This utility is used to explore the emergent wave interference patterns that appear from superimposing 2D quasicrystals. These quasicrystal are constructed using protofield primitives so there similar to quasicrystals that have undergone a inverse transformation.

Proto field engine 2015 →

Animation utility that visualizes continuous offset harmonics. Fields are displayed as translucent layers that rotate and fade out progressively. Intriguing motions are revealed that are reminiscent of switching circuits or maybe cell division.

Quasicrystal (Collapse harmonics) 2015 →

This type of quasicrystal has become a secondary primitive in my work. In themselves they are very complex and intriguing, but I'm increasingly combining these crystals to reveal further emergent wave interference patterns. Each crystal here however is a single structure and I'm using factor collapse harmonics to determine the frequency at each source.

Root factor harmonics 2014 →

This relatively simple utility visualizes factor collapse harmonics in the contexts of square root(N) progression. I've also made a tentative attempt to create a corresponding audio harmonic for smaller values using the wave API. However, although I love electronic music, I am now sound artist.

Factor Collapse harmonics 2014 →

Page and animation utility explaining the harmonic (factor collapsing) algorithm I use in other utilities to reveal symmetries and structures.